Bulk Upload Hashtag Templates

Have a long list of hashtags that you want to upload into the True Anthem Dashboard?

True Anthem supports the ability to bulk upload Hashtag Templates via the True Anthem. If you have a pre-existing Hashtag spreadsheet (.csv or .xls), you can simply upload all of your hashtags at a click of button.

Here's a step-by-step set of instructions:

  1. Download our standard Hashtag Template file (.csv)

  2.  Copy/paste your hashtags into the template file. Save the file to your desktop.  

    • You must have entries for both the "Template Name" and "Hashtags" values in the template. 

    • For multiple hashtags, you must separate each hashtag by a space (i.e. #cocktail #cocktailrecipes)


      Template Name:

      Hashtags (space separated):




      #cocktails #cocktailrecipes #drinkrecipes

  3. To upload your Hashtag Template file, click "Hashtag icon" in the Post Editor.


  4. In Hashtag Template screen, click "Bulk Upload Hashtags" link. 


  5. Select your file

  6. Click Yes, Continue


  7. The hashtag templates and associated hashtags in your uploaded file should be uploaded to your Campaign. 


If you experience any issues with this functionality, please contact support@trueanthem.com.

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