Understanding Post Jobs in True Anthem

What are Post Jobs?

True Anthem's Post Jobs are AI-driven automation routines that select and distribute your website content across your social media channels. They are designed to harness your website metadata and social analytics, employing machine learning and automation to maximize your social media performance while providing complete editorial control over your content's presentation.

Post Jobs offer a dual advantage: they save your team time with smarter, automated workflows, and they are the key to unlocking higher social performance through predictive analytics. Whether you prefer to "set it and forget it" or delve into every detail of your social media operations, Post Jobs can accommodate your workflow, delivering tangible value to your business's bottom line.

Types of Post Jobs

There are five distinct types of Post Jobs, each serving a different strategic purpose:

  • AI-Driven (Robot): These are divided into:
    • Metadata-based: AI and performance-based algorithmic selection using time and content metadata rules.
    • RSS feed-based: Content is sourced from RSS feeds and selected algorithmically.
  • Automated Manual: Places empty slots in your posting schedule for content to be manually selected and distributed.
  • RSS-Driven: Directs content from RSS feeds to social media without waiting for the next scheduled slot.
  • User-Scheduled: Allows manual content selection and scheduling for distribution, ensuring that essential content is posted.

Each type of Post Job is equipped with Content Types that dictate content segmentation and selection instructions based on time and metadata. They can prioritize new, unposted content or previously-posted, recirculation-eligible content to ensure your social media channels are consistently engaging with your audience.

Post Job Strategies

Utilize different types of Post Jobs to meet your strategic needs. For instance, high-volume publishers might use AI-Driven Post Jobs for selecting top-performing content, while RSS-Driven Post Jobs are ideal for breaking news. Automated Manual slots are perfect placeholders for manually scheduling content like short-form videos or reels to optimize impressions.

How Post Jobs Work

Post Jobs consist of:

  • Content Types: Define what content is selected, from various sources and segments, with rules for AI-Driven and RSS-Driven jobs.
  • Schedules: Dictate when the selected content is posted, with specific days and times tailored to your audience engagement patterns.

Where to Find Your Post Jobs

Access details of your Post Jobs in the True Anthem Dashboard under the Queue & Schedule Section and the Content Rules Tab. Here you can view the configurations, including the Content Types and Schedules, and adjust the settings according to your content distribution strategy.


Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 4.53.31 PM.png

Schedule Section:

Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 4.52.52 PM.png

Content Rules:

Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 4.56.14 PM.png


  • Content Types: The segments of content defined for selection.
  • Schedules: The timing configurations for posting content.
  • Selection Criteria and Content Rules: The metadata-based parameters defining content selection.


  • Why might there be empty time slots or delays in my AI-Driven Post Jobs? Empty slots may occur if no content meets the selection criteria. Delays can happen due to the "Delay Minutes" setting, which ensures a buffer time between posts.

For a complete understanding of Post Jobs and how to leverage them for your social media strategy, visit the True Anthem Dashboard or reach out to our support team for personalized assistance.

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